Here at Getchell amplifier company we specialize in offering nothing but the highest quality vintage audio gear available as well as the best warranty and customer service in the industry. We strive to find gear that will fit your lifestyle and budget to ensure the most pleasurable listening experience for each customer. We lovingly inspect each piece of equipment that we work on. Countless hours are spent on cleaning and detailing each piece to ensure that they not only perform excellent, but also look the best they can. Our full restorations include replacing all critical components that have degraded or failed due to age to ensure the best performance out of your stereo system. This includes replacing components such as electrolytic capacitors, noisy or failed transistors, LED lamp upgrades, tuner alignments, and adjusting bias; offset; and other electrical parameters of each piece as necessary. This coupled with our excellent extended warranty will make sure that you will have a reliable piece of equipment for years to come and peace of mind with all of our products.